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Many Base modules in one installation

In this tutorial, we will present the concept of links and show you how to combine multiple Base modules in one installation using links and groups. You will also learn how and why to use many Base modules in one building.

1. What are links? #

In software version 1.7.5 the functionality of the Base modules has been developed. It enables to define direct connections between modules on a point-to-point basis. Such a single connection is called link. Thanks to links the Base modules can exchange information between each other and react to events. This opens the way for implementation of the functionalities which were not available before.

The Base modules can be connected using local network or Internet. In case of Internet connections it is necessary to open the UDP 4554 port.

The modules can also synchronize groups of variables between multiple modules. This function is not described in this tutorial, because it requires installation of all modules in one IP subnet which may not be possible in this scenario.

2. Where to use links? #

The links were designed for installations in which there are at least two or more Base modules and based on them an integrated automation network will be created. The links can be particularly used between devices with any IP addresses.

2.1. DOMIQ network in an apartment building #

A perfect area of application of the DOMIQ network are buildings with many apartments. In such place the DOMIQ system can supervise, watch over the safety, warn and provide the residents with useful information.

Imagine that in each apartment there are: the Base module and the Satel alarm system with safety sensors (e.g. smoke detectors, flooding sensor, sensor of breaking the window ect.). In the building we installed an additional Base module working as a master module over the modules installed in apartments. We created links between the master module and all the Base modules installed in apartments. Reception of the building was also equipped with a DOMIQ/Display touchscreen, which is designed to serve as a supervisory panel. In the case of any emergency situation (e.g. fire, flooding, burglary ec.) in any apartment, the security receives an immediate notification to the touch panel concerning the exact location of alarm and its cause.

Moreover, using the master module and touch panel you can monitor the entire building. In case of adding an additional weather station, you can provide current weather information to all residents of the building.

Additional plus of this solution is the fact that you can use standard functions of the Base modules in each apartment in order to integrate it with the existing automation system.

The structure of the configured system is presented below:

If for some reasons it is impossible to install Satel alarm system, you can use security sensors connected to the LCN binary inputs or the ones which communicate using MODBUS protocol and connect them directly to the DOMIQ/Serial-4MB module.

The links enable to create intelligent control system of the entire building, including  independence of all its parts (apartments, storeys etc.)

3. DOMIQ/Base configuration #

In 1.7.5 version in the configuration interface of the Base module we added the Links tab. It enables to define point-to-point connections between the Base modules and connections  which enable using the Base module as a segment coupler of the LCN network. In the tutorial «Base as segment coupler» we described how to use Base as a segment coupler.

The Links tab is presented below:

Structure of this tab is very similar to Events and Timers. There is Structure on left side of the window. The defined links are displayed in this section.

The right part of the window contains the Details section, in which the connection parameters are configured.

Name: The name of the Base module, with which the connection is to be established. It can be any name without spaces. The name is not connected with the name of the module given in Settings.

Description: A short description of the connection.

Address: The IP address of the Base module, with which the connection is to be established.

Port: Fill in this field if the connection with the Base module was redirected to a custom port.

Password: If this field is filled in, the data sent between the modules will be ecrypted. Otherwise the encryption is not active.

Identifier: Every Base module has its own identifier. It additionally secures the data transmission between the Base modules. It prevents from using the IP address assigned to the Base module by another network device.

In the Details section mentioned below there is a list of all the Base modules available in the network together with identifiers.

3.1. Example configuration of the links #

In order to present an example configuration we will use the idea of a building with many apartments described in the previous chapter. We will only show a single link between an apartment and a master module (another links can be configured similarily).

Configuration of a single link is as follows:

Slave module

  1. Log in into the configuration interface of the Base module installed in the apartment and select the Links tab.
  2. Add a new connection and fill in its properties:
    • In the Name field enter the name of the master module, e.g. reception.
    • In the Address field enter the IP address of the master module.
    • If the connection should be encrypted, fill in the Password field.
    • You can fill in the fields Identifier, Description and Port (optional).

Master module

Repeat steps 1 and 2. Remember to change the IP address to the one of the slave module and change its name, e.g. apartment1. We recommend to use names which are connected with the numbers of apartments.

3. The configuration is ready. Make connections between the apartments and the matser module.

3.2. Identifiers #

As we mentioned above, the links enable to send commands or react to events from other Base modules. The special network identifiers were reserved for this purpose. Syntax of the identifiers with examples was shown in the tables below. The presented examples refer to the building with many apartments. You can create any commands or events analogically.

M Base module, to which the
command is addressed.
K – Command
anyAny network command
M – Name of the Base module, in
which an event appeared.
anyAny network event
  • NC.reception.C.VAR.flooding.apartment1=1 Setting the variable VAR.flooding.apartment1 to the value of 1 in the master module reception
  • NE.apartment1.E.IDS.alarm.1=1
    The master Base module receives such information regarding alarm in zone 1 in the apartment to which the module apartment1 is assigned. The master module can take any reaction to this event, e.g. display a certain visualization screen on the operator panel, switch on the alarm siren etc.
  • NE.(%w+).E.IDS.input.10=1
    An event which informs about value change of the alarm input number 10 in any apartment. The input can be e.g. fire sensor. Any reaction to this event can be taken by the master module similarily to the example below.

3.3. Automatic communication of the Base modules #

If the connections with all apartments are ready, you can configure downloading the informationfrom the Satel system. The data will be downloaded and passed automatically to  the master Base module in case of alarm situation.

We recommend to program the alarm system in such a way, that the sensors responsible for detection of a certain emergency event (fire, flooding etc.) set the value of any usuned output of the alarm system. Changes of this output will serve to invoke events in the master Base module. It will make further configuration of events easier.

The example presented in the next part of this section shows how to define events in case of flooding, fire and burglary. The numbers of outputs and inputs have a demostrative character. The example concerns a single apartment. The slave module installed in this apartment is called apartment1.

3.3.1. Configuration of the slave module #

In case of the slave module define the reaction to changes of the outputs connected with security sensors. In this case it is sending network commands to the master module. You can also define the local reactions to alarm situations.


  1. Add a new event.
  2. In the Description field enter a short description of an event, e.g. Flooding.
  3. In the Channel field enter E.IDS.output.<output_number>, where <output_ number> stands for the output whose value is set in case of value change of anyflooding sensors, e.g. .IDS.output.15
  4. Leave the Value field empty. As a result the change from 0 to 1 and the other way round will be detected.
  5. Add a command and then in the displayed window in the Name field enter: NC.<master_module>.C.VAR.flooding.<slave_module>
    In the Value field enter: $D0.


  1. Add another event.
  2. In the Description field enter a short description of an event, e.g. Fire.
  3. In the Channel field enter E.IDS.output.<output_number>, where <output_number> stands for the output whose value is set in case of value change of any fire sensors, e.g. E.IDS.output.16
  4. Leave the Value field empty.
  5. Add a command and then in the displayed window in the Name field enter: NC.

    In the Value field enter: $D0.


  1. Add another event.
  2. In the Description field enter a short description of an event, e.g. Burglary.
  3. In the Channel field enter E.IDS.alarm.(%d+). The event will be called in case ofalarm in any  zone.
  4. Leave the Value field empty.
  5. Add a command and then in the displayed window in the Name field enter: NC.master_module>.C.VAR.alarm.<slave_module>
    In the Value field enter: $D0.

This procedure should be repeated for every single apartment. Remember to change the
numbers and names of the apartments.

3.3.2. Configuration of the master module #

For the master module configure the rules which will be performed if the alarm notification is received. Configure the visualization in which the information about alarms will be displayed.

Visualization configuration

The visualization can contain simple interface in which the state of the alarm in the apartments will be shown in form of control lamps, e.g.:

In Channel field of the control lamps enter the names of the VAR variables which you also used during configuration of the slave modules. In this case e.g. VAR.flooding.apartment1,, VAR.alarm.apartment1 itd.

In order to display the current states of the VAR variables from the slave modules on the visualization, define an event which will download such values. The definition is as follows:

  1. Add an event.
  2. In the Channel field enter: NE.(.+).C.VAR.(.+) – as a result the master module state will not store any values of VAR variables from the slave modules. Leave the Value field empty.
  3. Add a command. In the displayed window in the Name field enter: C.VAR.$C2. In the Value field enter: $D0.

Events configuration

In this case, similarily as for the master module, define three events, one for each alarm type. In this case the reaction to the alarm will be notification displayed on the Display screen and change of the controller colour on the visualization.


  1. Add a new event.
  2. In the Description field enter a short description of the event, e.g. Flooding.
  3. In the Channel field enter E.VAR.flooding.(.+) – the event will be invoked in case of alarm in any apartment.
  4. In the Value field enter 1.
  5. Add a command and then in the displayed window in the Name field enter e.g.: C.DISPLAY. message=ALARM!FLOODING! Where: $C1.

You can similarly define the event for fire and burglary. Remember to change the Channel field to and E.VAR.alarm.(.+) as well as the message in the Value field.

The result is as follows:

4. Integration of the weather station #

In the previous tutorial «MODBUS weather station» we presented the integration of the Elsner Elektronik P03/3 weather station. In the next part of this chapter we show how to use this station in our DOMIQ structural network and provide all apartments with the weather information.

The weather station can be connected via DOMIQ/Serial-4MB module to the master Base module. Thanks to the links created before, the weather data from the master module will be passed to modules in the apartments. Therefore the installation costs will be optimized and its functionality will not be reduced.

4.1. Configuration of the master module #

In order to configure the master module, import the configuration file of the weather station and export the data from the weather station to the slave modules.

Import of the weather station configuration

To the tutorial we attached the file elsner_p03.xml with the configuration of the weather station which is ready to import. Import the file in the MODBUS tab:

  • Click on the interface and then Import… .
  • Select the downloaded file elsner_p03.xml from the hard drive. After correct import the device will appear on the list.
  • Fill in the fields Name (without spaces) and Address (according to microswitches on the board of the weather station). In this case we chose the address 1 and name meteo.

Download and export the measure data

Data from the weather station will be stored and exported cyclically according to the set timer. In this case: every minute.

The procedure will be started from the event definition which will be responsible for storing weather data:

In the Events tab add a new event and fill in its properties:

  • Enter a short description, e.g. Downloading the weather information.
  • In the Channel field enter: E.MODBUS.<interface>.<device>.(%w+), e.g.
  • Leave the Value field empty – any measure data will be captured.
  • Add a command and in the displayed window in the Name field enter: C.LOGIC, and in the Value field: tab[«$C1″]=»$D0»

2. Go to the Logic tab and paste the following code:

-- Table of the weather data from the station


-- Function sends the received measure data to all

-- slave modules and stores them in the VAR variables.

-- The function must be periodically invoked via Timers

function export()

for i=1,10 to --the second parameter determines the number of apartments

for k,v in pairs(tab) do





Adjust the second parameter of the for loop in the code (by default 10), which determines the number of apartments the data from the weather station will be sent to. If you used another links names, modify the command beginning from „NC.”.

3. Define the timer which will invoke the export function cyclically and send the measure data to slave modules. Add a new timer (Timers tab):

  • In the field Second enter 0 – timer will be invoked every second.
  • Add a command and in the displayed window in the Name field enter: C.LOGIC and in the Value field: export().

4.2. Configuration of the slave modules #

Slave modules do not require any additional configuration. In the State tab you can check if the data were exported correctly to the slave modules. The weather data will be visible as VAR-variables with the following syntax:<name>, e.g.

The data can be used in different ways: they can be displayed in the visualization or used in events etc.

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