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Integration with Mobotix Q24 Camera

This is the third tutorial from the series of tutorials describing integration of the DOMIQ system with Mobotix devices. In the previous tutorials we described the integration of the Mobotix T24 video door station and usage of the SIP protocol and Mobotix devices in or- der to perform the function of the video door station. This time we focus on integration of the Mobotix Q24 video camera inside the house.

Source: From this tutorial you will learn how to:

  • control the camera functions using DOMIQ user interfaces,
  • define the areas of movement detection and react on the movement in these areas,
  • integrate the camera with the Satel Integra alarm system,
  • use the SIP protocol to inform about alarm events.Before you start reading, please read also the previous tutorials from this series, as this tutorial contains references to procedures described before.

1. Camera controlUsing the programming (API) interface of the camera, you can control all functions of the camera directly from the DOMIQ user interface. So you can create a visualization screen or page in Remote, in which you put the buttons invoking the most frequently used func- tions of the camera.The commands are sent to the camera using the Get method of the HTTP protocol. In order to get access to the full description of the programming interface of the camera, en- ter the following text in the browser address box: http://<camera ip>/help, and then in section Remote-Controlling the Camera (at the bottom of the site) choose The HTTP API.The futher part of this chapter shows three examples of usage the programming interface in order to control the camera from the visualization. In the described examples we pre- sent usage of commands in the Command field of the Button. Please bear in mind that in the Command field there is no need to use ”C.” prefix. In any other case the described commands must be preeceded by the prefix. The presented commands can also be used in other functionalities of the Base module, e.g. events, timers, logic etc.

1.1. Change the image format

Mobotix Q24 camera emables displaying the image in different formats. You can change the format using display_mode parameter. The available values of the parameter are: simplelenscorr_l11surroundpanoramapano_focuspano_dbl.
The general syntax of the command changing the image format is as follows:C.HTTP.get=http://<login>:<password>@<camera_ip>/control/con- trol?set&section=general&display_mode=<image_format>.

In order to create the full interface to switch the image format, add 6 Buttons to the vi- sualization and then in Command field enter the above command and change the value of the display_mode parameter.

1.2. Change the image size

The camera software allows you to change the image resolution in the following range: 160×120, 320×240, 352×288, 384×288, 640×480, 704×576, 768×576, 800×600, 1024×768, 1280×960, 2048×1536. Therefore the image can be easily adjusted to the current needs and the speed of your Internet connection (especially remote connections). You can also define a rule in events or timers that will automatically change the resolution of the image in your absence in order to provide a smoother image in case of the remote connections and increase the resolution, when you are in the local network.

The general syntax of the command is as follows:


1.3. Zoom in and out the image

Using this function you can see the details of the displayed image. The camera provides 8x zoom. The zoom can be absolute (a given value of the zoom, e.g. 5x) or relative (to- wards the previous settings, e.g. by 1). The change of zoom is expressed in per milles, so the value of 1000 corresponds to the zoom by 1.

The general syntax of the command (absolute change) is as follows:


The image can be zoomed in using the following command:


Each time the command is performed, the size is zoomed 1x. In order to zoom out the image, enter the negative number as a relative zoom value.

Please remember to change login, password and IP address of the camera in the above examples.

2. Integration of the camera with the Base module

The integration of the camera with the Base module is the starting point to integration with other systems of the intelligent building. The camera software works with the external software, so it is possible to fully integrate the camera with the DOMIQ system, and thus the entire installation of the intelligent building. The integration is bi-directional and pro- ceeds according to the following procedure:

2.1. Sending the information to the Base module

If you create a simple rule, the Base module will receive information about any event which is invoked in the camera. Therefore the Base can react on e.g. pressing buttons on the video door station, the detection of motion, sound detection, etc.

  1. Log in the configuration interface of the camera.
  2. Choose Admin setup (a new window is opened).
  3. In section Transfer Profiles choose IP Notify Profiles:
    • Press Add new profile at the bottom of the screen.
    • In IP Notify Profile enter the profile name e.g. Base.
    • From the list IP Notify Type choose Custom Configuration.
    • In the field Destination Address enter: IP:4224 np.
    • Choose Raw TCP/IP in Data Protocol and Plain text in Data Type.
    • The messages are defined in the last window. These are the messages which will be passed to the Base module when the previously defined event is invoked. In this case we will only pass the name of the action which invoked the event. In order to do this, enter the following text:
    • MOBOTIX.event.q24=$(EVT.EST.ACTIVATED). It means that the name of the action which invoked the event will be received by the Base as the following command: C.MOBOTIX.event.q24=<event>. If the door bell is pressed, it is: C.MOBOTIX.event.q24=CameraBellButton.

The below picture shows the example of the configuration:

4. Click on Set in oder to approve changes and then Close to save them in the memory of the device.

2.2. Receiving the information from the Base module

The events can be invoked in the camera by any message which is received via TCP/IP. In this example the TCP/IP message will be used to invoke recording. The action is defined as follows:

  1. Choose option Setup Menu and then Event Settings.
  2. Mark the check box in the section IP Receive (RC) Events and fill in the followingparameters:
    • Leave the default number 8000 in the field IP Receive Port.
    • From the list IP Receive Compare choose String Compare.
    • In the field IP Receive Message enter any message that will invoke the event. Do not use spaces. We used the word: recording.
  3. Clock on Set in order to approve changes.
  4. Go back to the main level of the Setup Menu and choose Recording. Fill in the follo-wing parameters in the new window:
    • In the section Arming choose Enable from the list.
    • In the section Recording choose Event Recording. Choose the option Include audio, if you want to have the voice recorded.
    • In the section Start Recording choose the action which should invoke the recor- ding. Można wybrać klika pozycji trzymając wciśnięty klawisz Ctrl (PC) lub cmd (Mac). W naszym przypadku wybraliśmy opcję: RC: IP Receive.
    • The next three options specify the parameters and time of the recorded image.

The below picture shows an example configuration:

  1. The configuration is ready. From now on if the camera gets the TCP/IP message with the contents recording the recording of the image will be started.
  2. Click on Set in order to approve changes and then Close to save them in the memory of the device.

In the next part of the tutorial we describe how to send TCP/IP commands from the Base module.

Having configured the camera, enter the Satel alarm system.

3. Integration with the Satel alarm system

The integration of the alarm system and monitoring provides an even better and more complete supervision of the building/apartment in your absence. By defining the motion detection zone you can get an immediate information about the zone violation in the form of a notification or a SIP connection to your mobile phone or tablet. The live preview will allow you to assess the risks and take a quick decision. Thanks to the automatically invo- ked recording, nothing will escape your attention.

3.1. Automatic recording

Thanks to the automatic invoking of the recording you can be sure, that you will not miss any alarm event. The recording can be invoked after the motion detection area is violated or the alarm sensor is activated (PIR sensor, reed relay, sensor of breaking the window, smoke sensor, flooding sensor etc.).

3.1.1. Recording invoked by the motion detection Definition of the areas of the motion detection

Motion detection areas should be defined after setting the camera in the target place. The area definition is as follows:

  1. Press the Shift key and double click on the preview in the camera configurator. There will appear a little yellow box.
  2. Release the Shift key and click in the place where the opposite corner of the area should be located. The area appears as a rectangle with a yellow outline.
  3. Choose Setup Menu Event Settings.
  4. In section Video Motion Windows choose Hide but highlight on event from the drop-down menu (the area will be marked red if the frame is crossed).
  5. The camera has two profiles defined by default: VM and VM2. In the VM profile click on Add Rectangle in order to add the defined area. In the field Video Motion Defini- tions (VM) appear the parameters of the defined rectangle. You can define several areas within one profile. In order to do this, repeat points 1 and 2, and then click on Add Rectangle. As a result, another area will be added in the field Video Motion De- finitions (VM).
  6. The below picture shows an example configuration:
  1. The next step is to define the reaction of the camera to the motion detection. This can be for example starting of the recording, playing of the sound etc. In this case the reaction will be sending the IP notification to the Base module.
  2. ReturntothemainleveloftheSetupMenu,thenchooseActionGroupOverviewand add a new group (the Add new group button).
  3. Fill in the parameters of the group in the new window:• Enter the name of the group, e.g. Motion.• Choose Enable from the drop-down menu.• In the section Event Selection choose VM – Video Motion.• In the section Actions choose a new action (the Add new action button) and then choose IP Notify:<profile name>, in this case: IP Notify: Base.
  4. Click on Set in order to approve the changes and then Close to save them in the me- mory of the device.

Reaction of the Base module

The recording can be started as a direct response to the detection of motion. However, in this case the recording should be invoked only when there is no one in the building/apart- ment. In order to do this, create an event that will check the status of the alarm system and decide to start recording.

  1. Go to the Events tab in the Base configurator.
  2. Add a new event and fill in its parameters:
    • Enter the description (oprional)
    • In the Channel field enter: C.MOBOTIX.event.q24 (as described in chapter 2.1 Sending the information to the Base.)
    • In the Data field enter the name of the motion detection profile. In this case VM.
    • In the Condition field enter: E.IDS.armed.<zone>==1, where <zone> stands forthe zone number, which determies if there is anyone in the building.
  3. Click on Add command… In the opened window enter the following text in the Name field: C.TCP.send.<IP of the camera>:8000, in the field Value enter the messa- ge which should be sent to the camera. In this case it is: recording (it invokes the pre- viously defined rule to start recording). The command will be performed only if the Condition is fulfilled.

The Base module can optionally send the notification to all the registered Remote appli- cations or make a SIP call to a person/persons. These functions were described in chap- ter 4.

3.1.2. Recording invoked by the alarm sensors

This way of invoking the recording is fuller, because it allows to take into account the work of any kind of sensor connected to the alarm system. It is also more reliable, becau- se the mistakes in the motion detection can be avoided. The procedure is limited to a sin- gle event, which is defined as follows:

  1. Add a new event and fill in its parameters:
    • Enter the description (optional)
    • In the Channel field enter: E.IDS.input.(%d+) – any input of the alarm system.
    • In the Data field enter 1.
    • In the Condition field enter: E.IDS.armed.<zone>==1, where <zone> stands for the zone number, which determies if there is anyone in the building.
  2. ClickonAddcommand….IntheopenedwindowenterthefollowingtextintheName field: C.TCP.send.<IP of the camera>:8000. In the Value field enter the mes- sage which should be sent to the camera. In this case it is: recording (it invokes the previously defined rule to start recording). The command will be performed only if the Condition is fulfilled.

The Base module can optionally send the notification to all the registered Remote appli- cations or make a SIP call to a person/persons. These functions were described in chap- ter 4.

4. Optional reactions

Automation system reaction to the violation of the standby or the motion detection zones does not have to be limited to record the image. In this chapter we will show you how to send alarm notifications and make a SIP alarm connection with mobile devices.

4.1. Alarm notifications

The Base module enables sending notification with any message to all currently paired DOMIQ/Remote applications. In order to define such action, add an additional command to the event which invokes the recording.

In the Name field enter C.REMOTE.notify and in Value enter any contents of the message.
Having defined this action the users will be notified about invoking of the alarm recording.

4.2. Alarm SIP connection
In reaction to the motion detection zone violation or alarm sensors the Base module can

initiate a SIP connection to notify users about the incident.

Configuration of the server, clients’ accounts and clients’ SIP applications was described in details in the tutorial «DOMIQ, SIP and Mobotix cameras» so we will just present the parts of the configuration, which should be changed.

In the case of alarm SIP connections, we recommend to define a separate profile of SIP connections in order to separate the alarm connections from the normal ones. When defi- ning an alarm profile, you should also (this is not necessary) choose sound message (Message name), which will be played at the beginning of each alarm call and thanks to which the user will be able to recognize if this is an alarm connection. You can use ready sounds available in the camera (e.g. sound called Alarm) or upload your own audio file. In the tutorial «MOBOTIX T24 Video Door Station» we described how to upload audio files.

In relation to the procedure described in the previous tutorial, the way of starting the con- nection with mobile devices will be changed. Instead of IP notifications we will use the programming interface of the camera.

In addition to the command which initiates the connection with devices that are assigned to connections profile, we will also present a command establishing the connection with the selected SIP client.

Both commands have the C. prefix, as in this case they will be used in the definition of a event, if it is required.

In order to establish connection with all devices within a profile, use the command with the following syntax:

C.HTTP.get=http://<login>:<password>@<camera_ip>/control/rcon- trol?action=voipphone&profile=<profile_name>

The general syntax of the command connecting with any SIP client is as follows:

trol?action=voipcall&sipaddr=<SIP_address_of the_customer>

Please remember to change login, password and the IP of the camera in the presen- ted examples.

Automation of the SIP connection initialization consists in adding one of the described commands to the list of actions that will be done after violation of the motion detection area or alarm sensors.

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