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Integration with SATEL Integra

In this instruction we will describe the integration process of the SATEL Integra 64 intrusion detection system with DOMIQ modules. This system is used in almost every home automation installation in Poland, where LCN and DOMIQ modules are used.

Integration between those two systems can lead to significant reduction of the total cost of
installation by:

  • Using the alarm PIR detectors to control lighting in the LCN
  • Using SATEL relays
  • Using window sensors to control heating
  • Using DOMIQ/Remote and DOMIQ/Display to arm/disarm alarm zones
  • Automatic control of blinds or watering depending on armed zones

By reading this manual you will learn how to:

  • Display status of security devices on the DOMIQ/Display touch panel and the
    DOMIQ/Remote application.
  • Define actions to be performed in case of raising the alarm.
  • Signal the alarm on the DOMIQ/Display screen and DOMIQ/Remote application.
  • Arm and disarm alarm zones by using a pin code.
  • Automatically arm the alarm with desired delay.
  • Use the alarm control panel to control a block of 8 relays.

Before reading this manual, we recomend you to read section about IDS-channels of
“DOMIQ Channels” instruction.

The “DOMIQ Channels” and other documents can be found on our website:, section Support/Documentation.

1. Wiring diagram #

In order to achieve described functionality following devices are required:

  1. DOMIQ/Base
  2. DOMIQ/Serial-2SI – allows to comunicate with alarm control panel using RS232 (three
    wires: TX,RX,GND or a standard RS232 cabel).
  3. SATEL Integra 64 – alarm control panel
  4. SATEL INT-RS – RS-232 interface for systems integration
  5. SATEL INT-IORS – DIN rail compatible zones and outputs expansion module

Connection between Serial-2SI and INT-RS module should be done with standard
crossover serial cable (null-modem cable). Three wires are required: GND (Signal Ground),
TxD (Transmit Data), RxD (Receive Data).

For more information read the DOMIQ/Serial-2SI Installation Leaflet.

INT-RS module should be set to integration with third-party software operating mode by
setting DIP-switch No. 5 to 1. First three switches are used for address setting on keypad
bus, usually the address is set to 1.

This wiring diagram shows only simplified connection of devices. SATEL devices must be connected and configured accordind to the relevant manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Verification of the Connection #

After connecting the devices, it is good practice to check the status of inputs and outputs
of the IDS.

List with the states of all inputs and outputs and their descriptions can be accessed by
opening following URL in the browser: http://<Base_module_IP>/satel.xml,, where <Base_module_IP> is the IP address of your DOMIQ/Base module. Some browsers will automatically display the content in XML. In the case of Internet Explorer you will need to select Show the page source in the context menu of the page.

If the list is not shown it indicates communication problems between DOMIQ and S2SI
modules. If the list does not contain correct names, it could indicate problems with communication
beetween DOMIQ/Serial-2SI and the SATEL system.

All inputs and outputs are read four times per second. Status of alarm zones is updated
once every two seconds. Any change of contol panel state, such as control relays, alarm
zones etc. takes about one second and requires entering the PIN code by user with authorization
to perform desired action.

Due to keep security of alarm system, it is recommended to define a special user, having
only such authorities to be used in the Base configuration.

3. DOMIQ/Base Module Configuration #

3.1. Visualization and Arming/disarming on the DOMIQ/Display #

To have an overview of the status of the alarm devices on the DOMIQ/Display you have
to define elements of the visualization. You can read more about creating visualizations in
the “DOMIQ Display EN” instruction. The number of these elements is dependent on the
number of devices whose state you want to monitor. Procedure presented below shows
how to monitor the status of opened windows and doors and the procedure for arming/disarming
the IDS zones.

3.1.1. Monitoring of the status of opened windows and doors #

In this example, the automation system distinguishes between tilting and full open of the
windows. It is achieved by using separete reed relays at the top and the bottom of the

To display the status please follow procedure presented below:

  1. Choose Display tab in the DOMIQ/Base configurator menu.
  2. Add a new light
  3. Click on it and set its features:
  4. X and Y – coordinates of the element. X and Y values can be changed by entering these values from the keybord or simply by moving an item in the visualization window, holding down the left mouse button.
  5. Layer – here you can select the layer on which the element will be placed
  6. Channel – here enter the channel name whose status will be displayed on the visualization screen. To reperesent the status of the alarm devices, IDS (Intrusion Detection System) channels are used, for example: IDS.input, IDS.armed, IDS.entry etc. You can read more in the “DOMIQ Channels” instruction.
  7. Reed relay is an input device, therefore IDS.input channel was used. IDS.input channels are used to read the status of alarm sensors. In this example IDS.input.5 channel was used.

    NOTICE! The channels names must be given accordingly with the device numbering programmed in the SATEL system. You should not rely on the names used in this manual.
  8. Theme – it is a set of icons that can be used to represent the status of an element (e.g light on/off icons etc.). In this example, yellow was used to represent tilting and red for full opening of the window.
  9. Control – choose none in this one, to display only the state of the channel

For the remaing windows and doors repeat points 2 and 3. Remember to change channels names.

An example of the final result is shown in the following picture:

3.1.2. Zone Arming/Disarming and Status Display #

In this section we will present the procedure of arming/disarming the IDS zone and displaying
its status. Arming and disarming will be protected by a pin code. To achieve such
functionality follow these steps:

  1. Choose Display tab in the DOMIQ/Base configurator menu.
  2. Add a new light
  3. Click on it and set its features:
  4. X and Y
  5. – coordinates of the element. X and Y values can be changed by entering these values from the keybord or simply by moving an item in the visualization window, holding down the left mouse button.
  6. Layer – here you can select the layer on which the element will be displayed
  7. Channel – here enter the channel name that you want to control and whose status will be displayed on the visualization screen.
  8. To arm/disarm the alarm and display its status IDS.armed channels are used. In this case IDS.armed.1 was used.
  9. Theme – it is a set of icons that can be used to represent the status of an element (e.g light on/off icons etc.). In this example bigyellow was used.
  10. Control – here choose pin. Hit the control on the touch panel to display built-in keyboardand the enter the pin code to arm/disarm the alarm.

This solution allows to protect security system against unauthorized persons. Pin code is
defined in the SATEL alarm control panel settings. Default pin code: 1234.

After entering the pin code (arming the alarm), control will change color.

To disarm the alarm hit the control again and then enter the pin code. When alarm is disarmed control will change its color to gray.

3.2. Automatic Reactions for Zone Status Changes #

In this section we will present, how to define the rules of automatic system responses to events in the intrusion detection system, like zone alarm, entering zone with entry time etc.

All the rules are defined in the Events tab in the Base module configurator. The installer has complete freedom to program the automation system response to events in the IDS system. Events presented in this manual are intended to present the algorithm and the programming of the Base module and do not exhaust the available functionality.

3.2.1. Rule for Zone Alarm #

This section will present the procedure for defining the automation system’s response to
the occurence of an alarm event. In this particular example it will be turning on/off the lightning
in all rooms.

Response to the alarm event

  1. Choose Events tab.
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. In Channel type E.IDS.alarm.%d+. This notation means, that Base module will
    monitor the occurence of an alarm event in any alarm zone.
  4. Set Match to 1.
  5. In Commands field click on Add LCN. In the window that appears choose the action/
    actions to be performed when the alarm goes off.

In presented example it is turning on of five relays in LCN module with the address 121.

You can also define action to be performed when the cause of the alarm subsided:

  1. Choose Events tab.
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. In Channel type E.IDS.alarm.%d+.
  4. In Match enter 0.
  5. In Commands field click on Add LCN. In the window that appears choose the action/
    actions to be performed when the cause of the alarm subsided.

In presented example it is turning off of five relays in LCN module with the address 121.

3.2.2. Rule for Entry Time in the Zone #

If the alarm control panel has defined a zone with entry time, you can program the action to be performed when someone enter this zone, e.g. turning on the lights in the hall etc. To define such action, follow the procedure presented below:

  1. Choose Events tab.
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. In Channel type E.IDS.entry<zone_number>., where <zone_ number> is a number of the zone with the entrance to the house/apartment.
  4. In Match enter 1.
  5. In Commands field click on Add LCN. In the window that appears choose the action/
    actions to be performed when someone enter the zone with entry time.

Similarly you can define action to be performed when person exit the zone with entry time:

  1. Choose Events tab.
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. In Channel type E.IDS.exit.<zone_number>, where is a numberof the zone with the entrance to the house/apartment.
  4. In Match enter 0.
  5. In Commands field click on Add LCN. In the window that appears choose the action/
    actions to be performed when person exit the zone with entry time.

3.2.3. Zone Alarm Notifications on the DOMIQ/Display and DOMIQ/Remote #

DOMIQ/Base allows to define an alarm notification to be displayed on the DOMIQ/Display touch panel and in the DOMIQ/Remote application.

Notifications on the DOMIQ/Display touch panel

  1. Add a new event
  2. In Channel type: E.IDS.alarm.(%d+).
  3. Set Match to 1.
  4. In Commands click on Add channel. In the window that appears type: in Name:
    C.DISPLAY.message, and in Value content of the notification that will be displayed
    on the DOMIQ/Display touch panel. For example: Alarm in zone $C1. This notation allows
    to display the zone number where an alarm event occured.

Notifications in the DOMIQ/Remote application

  1. Add a new event
  2. In Channel type: E.IDS.alarm.(%d+).
  3. Set Match to 1.
  4. In Commands click on Add channel. In the window that appears type: in Name:
    C.REMOTE.notify, and in Value content of the notification that will be displayed on
    the iPhone screen. For example: Alarm in zone $C1. This notation allows to display the
    zone number where an alarm event occured.

3.3. Automatic Arming of the IDS Zones #

With DOMIQ/Base module you can automatically arm the IDS system after predefined
time. It is very convenient sollution in cases when family members leave the house forgetting
to arm the system.

To define automatic arming follow these steps:

  1. Choose Events tab.
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. In Channel type E.IDS.input.%d+.
  4. In Match enter 1.
  5. In Commands field click on Add Channel. In the window that appears type: in Name:
    This notation means: after two hours send the C.ALARMON command. The general
    syntax is as follows: For more information
    about timers, please read the instruction about channels. In Value type 1.
  6. Add another event
  7. In Channel type C.ALARMON
  8. Set Match to 1
  9. In Commands field click on Add Channel. In the window that appears type: in Name:
    C.IDS.armed., e.g. C.IDS.armed.1. This command arms the
    alarm zone. In Value type 1. If there is more than one alarm zone, repeat point 9 for the
    other zones.

3.4. Use of SATEL Relays Outputs #

SATEL Integra intrusion detection system supports control of the relays, which are built-in
in the main board as well as placed in the input/output expanders.

We will use SATEL INT-IORS expander (8 inputs and 8 outputs). Due to the relatively long
reaction times, resulting from the protocol between the module INT-RS and the Integra
main board, it is not recommended for control of the devices that require quick reaction
times. However, this approach is entirely suitable for control of watering of the garden,
ventilation fans, garage door etc.

Relays connected to the SATEL system can be controlled both from the DOMIQ/Display
touch panel and DOMIQ/Remote application.

In order to control relays connected to the alarm control panel it is necessary to know the
functions assigned to individual outputs. Assigned outputs numbers can be checked out in
the SATEL Integra system configuration. You can also use the information collected during
the initialization of the DOMIQ/Base module. The procedure of reading outputs numbering
from Base module is presented in Chapter 2.

Next, read the SATEL INT-IORS relay outputs numbers from displayed list. In presented
example, there are outputs from 17 to 24. However, the numbering may vary depending
on the number of expanders and their connection configuration.

The relays should be configured (in the alarm control panel settings) as bistable or montostable
outputs. This setting allows you to set for how long particular output is turned on.
This is a useful solution, e.g. to control garage door.

3.4.1. Control of the Relays From the DOMIQ/Display #

To control the block of 8 relays connected to the SATEL alarm control panel by using DOMIQ/Display touch panel follow this procedure:

It is recommended to add a separate screen, on which button/controls will be placed or at least place them on a separate layer. In this example controls will be playced on separate layer, that will be added to an existing screen.

  1. Choose Display tab.
  2. Add new Layer and give it an unique name (e.g. satel_relays)
  3. Add a Switch to the existing screen and from tolayer list choose the newly created
    layer. In label add a short description. By clicking on this switch button you can control
    the display of satel_relays layer.
  4. Click on Save and then on Revert.
  5. Add a new Light (remember to select the correct layer in the visualization structure, on
    which you want to add new element).
  6. Click on it and make its features:
    • choose the layer, on which you want to place element. In this example: relays_satel
    • In Channel type: IDS.output..
      For example IDS.output.21.
    • choose biggreen from the Theme list (of course you can choose some other
    • In Parameter type pin:xxxx, xxxx means your personal PIN code defined in the
      alarm control panel configuration. The alarm control panel requires to enter the PIN
      code, always when you send a command that change its state.
  7. Add a new Text element and type in the text field short control description. For example: Relay 1.

  8. Repeat points 6 and 7 for the remaing outputs. Remember to change channels names and their labels.
  9. In the result you wil get:
  10. Choose newly added layer from the visualization structure tree and change visibly to false. With this option layer will be invisible when you turn on the touch panel.

3.4.2. Control of the Relays From the DOMIQ/Remote Application #

To control the block of 8 relays connected to the SATEL alarm control panel by using DOMIQ/Remote application follow this procedure:

  1. Choose Remote tab.
  2. If there is no menu structure defined, add a new Page and give it a unique name
    (doble-click on the Page element)
  3. If you want to an existing Page, add a new Section and give it a name, e.g. Relays.
  4. Add a Toggle to the newly added Section.
  5. Double-click on it and set its features:
    • in Label enter a name, e.g. Relay 1
    • in Channel type the name of the channel, which corresponds to the relay connected
      to the SATEL alarm control panel. In this case IDS.output.21.

The result on the iPhone is shown on the first picture below.

Repeat points 4 and 5 for the remaing relays. Remember to change channels names and labels. The final result is presented in the picture below.

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