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Integration with SONOS

Integration with audio systems is one of the most desirable features of an intelligent buil- ding. This tutorial is the first of a series of tutorials that will present integration between the DOMIQ and SONOS products.

By reading this manual you will learn elementary functions required to integrate DOMIQ with SONOS. In addition you will find how to:

  • Integrate SONOS with other subsystems of an intelligent installation, such as LCN au- tomation system or SATEL Intrusion Detection System.
  • Use events and timers in the Base to integrate with SONOS.
  • Control SONOS devices via DOMIQ user interfaces. However the solution presentedin this tutorial is not intended to replace a dedicated application provided by SONOS.

1. What is SONOSSONOS is a mobile multiroom audio system. Its structure is based on mobile devices with built–in speakers and amplifiers.

Devices communicate with audio sources via the IP network using built–in Ethernet or wi- relessly using a special protocol in the 2.4GHz band. It is also possible to use SONOS Bridge, which converts a dedicated SONOS protocol to the WiFi standard.The use of IP network allows easy integration of the SONOS with an existing intelligent in- stallation without any changes in a building infastructure.SONOS devices are independent, which means that each device can play music from dif- ferent source. However, if necessary, devices can be freely grouped to play the same audio track in sync. This feature in combination with mobility of the system allows you to create music zones spanning multiple rooms in your home.

2. SONOS Integration

As with other subsystems available in the DOMIQ/Base, integration with other devices is accomplished by the use of number of identifiers, which can be divided in two primary groups: state identifiers and commands.

State identifiers can be used to display current state of all connected SONOS devices, while commands are used to change that state.

All SONOS identifiers use the following syntax: UAV.function.device, where function is indicating specific function, while device is the name assigned to SONOS device via SONOS user interface.

2.1. State Identifiers

The table below presents all information functions with use examples. Examples use offi- ce as a name assigned to a SONOS device. Using information funcitons you can display the most important information about audio source.

2.2. Commands
Following are commands to control SONOS devices. All with all other commands, they

are prefixed with ”C.”.

Automatic playback:

Bear in mind, that calling UAV.uri just points to a file or audio stream and does not start the playback. Playback needs to be started by a separate command. To automate this process in any SONOS player, you just need to create a single event. The event will be triggered automatically in case any SONOS player changes its path. In the result, the play command will be send to a player that triggered the event.

The event definition is as follows:

  1. In the DOMIQ/Base configurator choose the Events tab and add an event.
  2. In the Channel field type: E.UAV.uri.(.+) . This means, that the event will be trig-gered in case any player changes its path.
  3. Leave the Data field blank.
  4. ClickontheAddcommandbutton.Inthewindowthatappears,intheNamefielden- ter: C.UAV.control.$C1. In the Value type: play. $C1 parameter passes a name captured by the (.+) pattern, in our case the name of a SONOS device.

3. Integration with Other Subsystems

Functions presented in the chapter 2. allow to integrate SONOS with any subsystem of an intelligent building. Further in this chapter we focus on integration with LCN automation system and with SATEL Intrusion Detection System.

3.1. Integration with LCN

As the integration possibilities are almost unlimited, we will present some of the most (in our opinion) useful features. Similarly to the chapter 2., our SONOS player is named office.

3.1.1. SONOS and Light Scenes

SONOS system can react according to the programmed schedule when a light scene is loaded. Reaction can be any, for example: it can stop playback or play a specific playlist. Below is and example of the ”guests” scenario. Let’s assume that ”guests” scene, when called, turns on certain lights and starts playback of a specific SONOS playlist. SONOS players support .m3u playlist files (used in WinAmp, iTunes, etc.).

LCN configuration won’t be presented in this tutorial. Note: In order to notify the Base module that a LCN scene was loaded, you need to send a light scene command to the Base (assign this command to any key in any table and call it when the scene is loaded). As a reminder: the Base module distinguishes scene numbers in range from 1 to 100 (register 1 includes scenes from 1 to 10, register 2 includes scenes from 11 to 20 and so on.)

In the Base module configuration is as follows:

  1. Add an event in the Events tab.
  2. In the Channel field type: E.LCN.scene
  3. In the Data field enter the number of the loaded scene.
  4. Click on the Add command button, in the window that appears in the Name field enter: C.UAV.uri.<device>=<path>, where <device> is the name assigned to a SONOS device and <path> is a path to the playlist file. In order to check path syntax, play this playlist using dedicated SONOS software and then check the UAV.uri.<device> identifier in the State tab in the Base configurator.

Below are examples of paths to files on a network drive:
A playlist file: x–file–cifs:// 

A mp3 file: x–file–cifs://

3.1.2. Using LCN wall–mounted buttons

With the integration of DOMIQ and SONOS, controlling music using LCN wall–mounted buttons became possible. Just program LCN buttons so when pressed send ”send keys” command to the Base module. Base module should react to this command by in- voking certain (any) actions in the SONOS system.

Study the example below to learn how to configure the Base module. In this case, Base module will send play command to the SONOS system when A5 hit command is received.

  1. Add an event in the Events tab.
  2. In the Channel field type: E.LCN.key.
  3. In the Data field enter: A5 hit. Note: There is a space character between A5 and hit.
  4. Click on the Add command button. In the Name enter: C.UAV.control.<device>, in our case: In the Value field type: play.
  5. Similarily you can configure any SONOS player functionality.

Based on example presented above you can define more complex scenes such as a sce- ne for exiting/entering home. Such scene for example can stop/start playback in whole SONOS system. The definition of this scene is almost the same as presented above. The only difference is the number of command sent to the SONOS system.

3.2. Integration with SATEL Intrusion Detection System

Integration with Satel Alarm System allows to achieve functionality similar as in the case of integration with LCN. For example arming the alarm can stop playback in whole SO- NOS system. Disarming the alarm can initiate playback of a selected playlist and so on. In the following, we will present how to implement this and describe how to use SONOS in case of alarm.

3.2.1. Scene for Exiting the Building

To achieve this functionality we will use arming event sent to the Base module by the alarm panel each time someone arms the alarm. In the Base you need to create an event that, when triggered will send commands to SONOS devices to stop playback. The defini- tion of the event is as follows:

  1. Add an event.
  2. In the Channel field enter E.IDS.armed.<zone>, in the Data type: 1. As the <zone> enter the number of a zone that is armed after you leave the building.
  3. Click on the Add command button. In the Name field enter: C.UAV.control.<device> and in the Value type: stop.
  4. Repeat step no. 3 for the remaining SONOS devices.

3.2.2. Scene for Entering the Building

Disarming the alarm can initiate playback of a selected playlist. To achieve that create an event based on procedure presented in section 3.1.1 SONOS and Light Scenes.

In the Channel field enter: E.IDS.armed.<zone > and in the Data type: 0, where the <zone> is the number of a zone that is disarmed. The rest of the procedure is identical.

3.2.3. Alarms

SONOS can also be used for alarm purposes, contributing to increasing safety. In case of alarm SONOS can play sounds informing about fire, flooding, burglary or startle burglars, by playing the sound of barking dogs:)

In this case configuration is limited to a single event that will be triggered when the alarm goes off.

As an example we will present scenario for burglary alarm. Procedure is very similar to the scene for entering the building:

  1. Add an event. In the Channel field enter: E.IDS.alarm.(%d+). Thanks to the (%d+) pattern, the event will be triggered by the alarm in any zone.
  2. In the Data field enter: 1.
  3. To make sure that the sound will be clearly audible, set the volume to an appropriate level. For this purpose, Add command in the Name field, type: C.UAV.volume.<de- vice>, in the Value field enter the volume level you want to set.
  4. Next, add another command that points the file you want to play – the definition is analogous to step 4 in section 3.1.1 SONOS and Light Scenes. Remember to change the path to a file.

4. Music Alarm Clock

Using timers you can create musical alarm clock. You just need to define a timer that at a certain time, on selected days of the week will play your favourite playlist or radio. Below is an example of a timer that starts playlist on weekdays at 7 a.m.

1. Add a timer and set its properties according to the picture below:

2. In the Action section define commands to be executed when the timer is triggered – setting the volume and point the path to the playlist file.

5. Control from Visualization

By using integration functions described in the chapter 2. you can create a simple user in- terface that will allow you to control playback and display key information about the played audio.

5.1. Control

To build the interface we will use Switch elements. The example below limits to a single button, as the other buttons are created the same way. The only difference is a command assigned to a button. The example below presents the Play button.

1. Add a Switch to a visualization.
2. In the Command field enter: UAV.control.<device>=play, in our case:

3. Repeats steps 1 and 2 for the remaining buttons.

4. Use Text elements in combination with proper information functions presented in sec- tion 2.1 to display information about played audio.

Examplary interface layout is presented in the picture below.

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