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Integration with DOMIQ/Base

One of the most desirable features of a smart home/building is the possibility to integrate multiple systems and devices into one complete solution. This task is greatly facilitated by the integration capabilities of the DOMIQ/Base module.

The DOMIQ system offers active and passive integration. Active integration is implemen- ted based on extension modules (SerialExpanderLight) or realized by software of a Base module. The main principle of this type of integration is the fact that the data exchange is initialized and controlled by the DOMIQ system. An example of this type of integration is the integration of Satel Intrusion Detection System, where a Base module in conjunction with a DOMIQ/Serial-2SI module periodically polls status of variables from alarm panel. In general, the DOMIQ system acts as a master in this type of integration.

In passive integration, the third party software initiates communication with a DOMIQ/ Base and the Base module processes received data based on programmed rules, but it doesn’t initiate data exchange by itself. Base module acts as a slave. This type of integra- tion gives almost unlimited possibilities to integrate all kinds of network devices that are connected to the same LAN, where a Base module is connected.

1. Protocol and capabilities 1.1. Establishing connection

Passive integration is based on the TCP/IP protocol. Base module listens on the port 4224. Communication is not encrypted thus this port shouldn’t be forwarded to be acces- sible in the Internet. In order to connect, a master device must establish connection with the IP address of a Base module on the port 4224. For testing using PC you can use net- cat (nc <IP> 4224) or telnet (telnet <IP> 4224).

1.2. Capabilities
By establishing connection with a Base module, a master device can realise the following


  1. Data aggregation from a Base module.
  2. Control state of all variables and devices available in a Base module.
  3. Passing data to a Base module.

The latter part of this tutorial describes each capability in more details.

1.2.1. Data aggregation from a Base module

After establishing connection with a Base module, a master device will receive notifica- tions about changes of state of identifiers available in the Base module. Notifications are sent automatically by a Base when any change of state occurs. Based on notifications, a master device can visualize the status of all identifiers (e.g. state of the LCN system, Mod- bus registers, alarm system, etc.) in the real time. An example of using data aggregation can be an application that collects data about temperatures or energy consumption in a building for later analysis.

Base module can return state of all identifiers in one packet. In order to do that, a master device has to send the question mark character followed by the carriage return and newli- ne characters: ?\r\n. In case of testing from a PC, please type the ? (in terminal/com- mand line window) and then press the Enter button to confirm the command.After receiving this query, Base module will return state of all available identifiers in the follo- wing format: name=value (each entry in a separate line).

You can also query state of a single identifier. In order to do that, a master device has to send query string in the following format: identifier=?\r\n, for example: LCN.out- put.0.10.1=?\r\n

In case of testing using command line window on PC the \r\n sequence need to be om- mited and instead the command has to be confirmed with the Enter key.

1.2.2. Control

Using passive integration, a master device can control state of all identifiers available in a Base module, therefore it can control all devices and variables that Base module is able to control. In this case, Base module needs to receive a command in the following format: identifier=value\r\n, for example LCN.output.0.10.1=100\r\n – this com- mand will set output no. 1 in a LCN module with the ID 10 to 100%. List of all available identifiers can be found in the Configuration Manual of the DOMIQ/Base module.

This feature allows to use Base module as a gateway between any master building auto- mation system and subsystems controlled by a Base module.

1.2.3. Passing data to Base

Passive integration also allows to pass data from a master device to a Base module. This feature allows to integrate any device that is capable to establish connection on the 4224 port and send packets as presented in earlier chapters. Examples of this kind of integra- tion was presented in tutorials about integration of Mobitix cameras and Mobotix Video Door Station. In those tutorials we presented how video door station can pass events for example about pressing door bell button or about motion detection and so on.

By passing data to Base module you can integrate:

  • Microcomputers – for example: Arduino, Raspberry PI, BeagleBone etc. Capabilities of microcomputers are huge, from these closely related to the topic of smart homes we should mention possibility of using cheap and commonly available digital and ana- log sensors, for example temperature sensors, humidity sensors, carbon dioxide sen- sors, air quality sensors etc.
  • Video door stations
  • PLCs
  • Other home automation software, for example OpenHAB.

Any data received by a Base module is interpreted as a command, therefore it is prefixed with the C. So if a master device sends a packet in the following format: identifier=value\r\n, then a Base module interprets it as C.identifier=value\r\n.

Received data can trigger an event that will excute any sequence of programmed commands.


As an example we will present sending of a packet by Mobotix Video Door Station that informs about pressing bell button. The result of receiving this packet is sending a push- notification to the Remote app. In this example we will assume that Mobotix sends the following string when the bell button is pressed: MOBOTIX.event.t24=CameraBell- Button\r\n

In order to handle this packet in Base module, we will define the following event :

  • Channel: C.MOBOTIX.event.t24
  • Data: CameraBellButton
  • In the Actions section, click on the Add Command… button, and in the new window that appears enter:
    • Name: C.REMOTE.notify
    • Value: Door bell.
      Similarily you can create other events and process any data that Base receives over the4224 port.

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