
Latest Updates to Modules

Updates List

Nazwa modułuWersjaKlucz aktualizacjiPlik
rtos2.1.1.07bd7cd5e97b5876bf5a67847c2c27f10 rtos9210_2.1.1.0.bin
webpak3.0.0.100c1b9cec6d00513595bc0e6e862f707 webpak_3.0.0.1.bin
systempak3.0.1.109ab37954fdeb1fd8f5a5f2be2e7083d systempak_3.0.1.1.bin
resources130422a6d39e936fddb96a87e30fd067dd1d6b resources_130422.bin
bus1AL 1.14f0fff6d96ee283e91c1bfe677468e214 bus1_1.14.bin
bus2ASI 1.030fe40bdd8aa0f77fcfa7d9b7d40c5c0c bus2_1.03.bin
bus4AD 1.0539407c7a8c24596b7fa54135a9d77ce5 bus4_1.05.bin
bus5ASM 1.021613a1ef81ba95facc6233a057a9d992 bus5_1.02.bin
bus6ASG 1.00b0669c80c89db471037a3d95ed573f34 bus6_1.00.bin
bus8ASD 1.05f01adb2b2f04feb2d6ff80de0a883b92 bus8_1.05.bin
bus9ASG 1.0008b8da190141aa8ef0192fb745b32087 bus9_1.00.bin
busAAE 1.074fcc39083c635c059e84801666eff57f busA_1.07.bin


You can monitor the update process using the Discover program.

Download Discover for Windows
Download Discover for MacOS

Double-click on the Base module name to display the console window.

If the Update Fails

If the update for Base shows the message “Update Failed,” do NOT restart the Base module. Instead, contact our technical support department at the following phone number:

How to Update?


  1. Log in to the configuration interface of the Base configurator.
  2. Go to the Settings tab and in the System section, click the Updates button.
  3. Click the Update Selected button; the program will automatically download the updates and restart the Base module.


  1. Download the files for the update from the website.
  2. Enter the Base configurator you want to update.
  3. Go to the Settings tab and in the System section, click the Updates button.
  4. In the Update Key field, paste the update key for the file you want to update and click the Load button. Repeat this step for each file you wish to update. Update the files in the following order:
    • rtos
    • system
    • web
  5. After the update is complete, restart the Base module.


Do you want your home to be intelligent?

Integrate DOMIQ with your classic electrical installation, and your home will become energy efficient and comfortable.

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Many years of experience in the building automation industry have allowed us to create a reliable system that meets customer demands.

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Porady i wdrożenia

Inteligentny dom to przede wszystkim zautomatyzowanie codziennych czynności i komfort użytkowania. Sprawdź możliwe rozwiązania inteligentnego domu oparte o system DOMIQ.

Los Santos Villa

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.

Slipgate Complex - John Romero

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.

Earthworm Jim Industries

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros.

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